Who We Are

About NPA

Lineworkers recognized during Public Power Month at Memorial Stadium

Lineworkers recognized during Public Power Month at Memorial Stadium

The Nebraska Power Association (NPA) has been addressing state-wide electricity policies, issues, and concerns since its founding in 1980. Now in its fourth decade, NPA is comprised of the 166 utilities that produce and deliver electricity to Nebraskans.

NPA is a voluntary organization representing all segments of Nebraska’s power industry: municipalities, public power districts, public power and irrigation districts and cooperatives engaged in generation, transmission, or distribution of electricity within our state.

Nebraska is the only state in the U.S. where every home and business is served by a publicly controlled utility. That’s why the NPA is the essential organization for utility issues in our state. We bring together every utility from across our state, representing all sectors of our state’s electricity business and all Nebraskans.

It is the policy of the State of Nebraska to provide its citizens with adequate, reliable, and low-cost electric service, consistent with sound business practices. The organizations responsible for providing electric service to Nebraskans work collaboratively within NPA to implement that policy.

Contributing to the “Good Life” in Nebraska

NPA members help improve Nebraska’s quality of life by keeping electricity prices as low as possible. We budget conservatively and manage our expenses carefully. Because Nebraska’s publicly owned utilities don’t include a profit margin in their electricity prices, their prices are lower than utilities that are not publicly owned. That helps families and businesses stretch their dollars. All Nebraskans benefit from Nebraska being a public power state!

NPA members will continue to do their part to improve the quality of life for Nebraskans by providing a wide range of information about energy and environmental issues to neighborhood and civic organizations, preservation societies, community events, scouting organizations, health and human service groups, and a wide variety of other organizations.